Looking for something fun after the long Iowa winter? Join JH Travel for a fun Saturday with a later morning departure and an early evening arrival back to Newton.
The Old Creamery is presenting a comedy . . no wait . . . a murder.. . no wait . . mystery??? Yes, you heard right! This is a new show that is a comedy, murder, mystery and a dinner theatre! We will travel to The Clarion Hotel and Convention Center in Cedar Rapids where our meal will be served in between the acts during the show!
Ok, our story begins . . When secret agent Jacob Seal gets an urgent call from his Agency, this comic murder mystery is off to a running start! When faced with henchman, double agents, and a chicken pluckers’ convention, will Seal be able to find Dr. Doom and stop his evil plan before it’s too late? Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to join us for hilarious antics and great food, while you help us catch a criminal master mind.
On our way back to Newton a quick stop will be made at a fast food location if you wish to pick up something (on your own).
Depart: 10:00 a.m.
Return: 5:45 p.m.
Cost Per Person: $118.00
Reservation and payment due by March 11, 2015