A heart-warming and hilarious celebration of everyday life, love and family. Originally presented to critical and popular acclaim on Broadway, this funny, touching and warmly perceptive play centers around lovable curmudgeon, Norman Thayer, Jr., and his spirited wife, Ethel, who make their 48th annual trip to their summer home on Golden Pond in Maine. They are soon visited by their middle-aged daughter and her dentist fiancé, who, en route to a European vacation, leave behind his teenage son for the summer. The boy quickly becomes the “grandchild” the elderly couple has longed for, and as Norman revels in taking his ward fishing and thrusting good books at him, he also learns some lessons about modern teenage awareness – and slang – in return.
After this heart-warming performance our travelers will enjoy an evening meal at the English Valley Bed & Breakfast nestled in the English River Valley in rural Montezuma. Bring along your “thinking cap” as the memories will swamp you when you step foot in this very special Big Red Barn!
Join JH Travel for this production at the Old Creamery Theatre and our “yummy” down home cooked meal! Sign up soon as reservations have already begun
Reservation and payment due by April 23, 2012